Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Project 3: Polyhedral Structures/ Phase B

GRAPHIC DESIGN: Packaging Design 
1. Recognition of a Problem: The purpose of this project is to apply polyhedral structures using additive methods to create a Packaging Design of an existing or imaginary product.

INTERIOR DESIGN: Wall Structures 

1. Recognition of a Problem: The purpose of this project is to apply polyhedral structures using additive methods to create a Wall Structure .

ART: 3D Polyhedral Sculpture 

1. Recognition of a Problem: The purpose of this project is to apply polyhedral structures using additive methods to create a 3D Sculpture


2. Definition of a Problem: 

  • Create a three-dimensional form based on polyhedral units.
  • The form should be free standing
  • It must include negative space in each unit to emphasize rhythm and pattern
  • You must apply a color scheme according to the concept of your design
  • There are no size limitations requested. The scale and dimensions of your project should respond to the concept of your design
  • Materials : Bristol board, color, printed or painted paper, translucent materials may be incorporated into this project. Once again, you are encouraged to research and experiment with alternative materials that may best suit your concept.
3. Research and Preparation:
·         Look to the natural and built environment for ideas and inspiration.
·         Use white or colored bristol board or another semi-rigid paper that suits the construction method for your sketches and design.

4. Analysis
·         You should develop at least 3 sketches.
·         Based on the sketch concepts, explore your ideas as sketch as 3D models in bristol paper.

5.       Synthesis
·         Synthesize your sketch models into a final concept. Keep in mind that the design will continue to develop even as you begin to construct the final form.

6.       Evaluation:
Make sure that your final design meets all of the project requirements.

7.       Presentation
·         Be sure that the instructor has reviewed your final sketch model.
·         Use bristol board or any other material that meets the design need.
·         Use tape and adhesives that best suit your materials.
·         Work neatly and accurately. Quality and craftsmanship is important to the overall design.

8.       Implementation:

In your BLOG, your post should include:
·         Sketches and research images.
·         Photographs of the outcome of PHASE 1 of the project (Various views)
·         Photographs of the outcome of PHASE 2 of the project (Various views)
·         1 Paragraph describing your approach in solving the problem
(Explain why you have chosen this kind of polyhedral/s, relationship between them, color scheme applied, etc in relation to your concept)

Wall Structures



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